136. In addition to the regulatory powers already provided for by other provisions of this Act, the Minister may make regulations to(1) specify the content of the certificates of birth, stillbirth and death which must be transmitted to the Minister under sections 44 to 46 and 48 and the rules relating to their transmission, preservation and use;
(2) specify the content of the reports or opinions that must be transmitted to the Minister where a system for the collection of data and information is established by the Minister under section 47, determine what persons must provide the data and information and fix the rules relating to their transmission, preservation and use;
(3) establish the consent forms that must be used where a registry is established under section 49;
(4) fix the terms and conditions for the updating of data and information collected under Chapter V;
(5) determine the non-nominative information to be transmitted to the Minister by public health directors in respect of the reports, notices or opinions received by the directors under Chapter VII, VIII, IX or XI, the time limits within which and the form in which it must be transmitted;
(6) determine to which public health director a laboratory or medical biology department director providing services to more than one region must address reports, and establish the cases or circumstances in which any report, notice or opinion received by a public health director must be transmitted to the director of another region, and the responsibilities of each person in those cases or circumstances;
(7) establish standards concerning the disinfection or decontamination of persons, premises or things having been in contact with certain biological, chemical or physical agents, to avoid contagion or contamination;
(8) establish forms, and determine the means of communication to be used or security standards to be complied with whenever information is transmitted under this Act;
(9) establish any other measure the Minister considers necessary for the administration of this Act.